Aquaponic Systems

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Clear Flow Aquaponic Systems®

Maximize your production of fish and vegetables!

Nelson and Pade, Inc.®’s Clear Flow Aquaponic Systems® are designed based on scientific research and 20+ years of development, refinement, and operation. Clear Flow Aquaponic Systems® produce higher quality fish and vegetables with increased production over other systems. The water flowing through the system is nutrient-rich, but clear, providing safe, nutritious food. The plant roots are bright white and clean and the fish are raised in fresh, clear water.

New System Offerings SAVE You Money!
Now Available as Kits, Modules or Complete Systems

Nelson and Pade, Inc® is proud to announce new system offerings that assist people in getting started in aquaponic farming with a significantly lower startup cost.

These new system offerings are a fraction of the cost of complete systems! Essentially, the systems are now available as kits, modules or complete packages. Buyers can take advantage of Nelson and Pade’s science-based designs, along with their own knowledge and skills, to save money and affordably build or expand their aquaponic farm and bottom line.

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Aquaponic System Packages:

  • Commercial

    Commercial Systems

    Earn profits in a commercial aquaponics venture with our Commercial Systems!

  • MicroFarms


    Earn supplemental or full-time income with an Aquaponic MicroFarm

  • Hemp Systems - NEW

    Purge, Nursery and More

    Nursery Systems, Purge Systems, Monitoring and Alarm Systems, Water Quality Testing


  • School and Universities

    School Systems

    Teach students STEM learning or do research with our School Systems!

  • Home Systems

    Home Systems

    Feed your family fresh food grown in our fun and easy Home Aquaponic Systems

  • Social and Mission

    Social Systems

    Use aquaponics at your food bank or mission to provide fresh, high quality food to those in need!

All systems come with very thorough assembly and operation manuals and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for all daily tasks. Commercial aquaponic systems also include our patented ZDEP® system.

Proven Aquaponic System Designs

By purchasing one of Nelson and Pade, Inc.®’s proven Clear Flow Aquaponic Systems®, you will avoid the high costs and problems associated with untested systems and home-built efforts. Each of the system components are sized and designed to provide maximum production, proven component ratios, water flow parameters, water quality and nutrient dynamics.

Efficient, Sustainable, Dependable

Nelson and Pade, Inc.®’s Clear Flow Aquaponic Systems® are the most productive, efficient, sustainable and dependable aquaponic systems for producing fresh fish and vegetables, all in one integrated system that requires a minimum of water, labor and energy.


Comprehensive online training is available on demand.  Learn from the experts at Nelson and Pade.
Online Training

Nelson and Pade Grower Support Program

The Nelson and Pade Grower Support Program helps aquaponic growers get off to a great start, with proven technical support and continuous access to the leaders of the industry, valuable information and direct access to over 30 years of experience and success. The Nelson and Pade Grower Support Program is available, for an additional fee, to aquaponic growers using Nelson and Pade, Inc.® Clear Flow Aquaponic Systems®.
Nelson and Pade Grower Support Program

Made in the USA

Our system packages are made of the highest quality components, food-grade (or equivalent) tanks and liners, high efficiency water and air pumps, and include all plumbing and aeration components. They are 90% made in the USA.


“With Nelson & Pade, you get excellent access to leaders of the industry, timely comprehensive answers to your questions, a superb staff and a system without equal. If you want to get involved with aquaponics, contacting Nelson and Pade should be at the very top of your list.”

– David Hamlin

READ ALL Testimonials

Indoor Farming, Year ’round For best results, Clear Flow Aquaponic Systems® should be housed within a controlled environment greenhouse or building. Proper environmental control allows a grower to grow fresh food all year ’round. For recommendations on a controlled environment greenhouse or structure, please contact the Nelson and Pade Sales Team.

Greenhouses for Aquaponics
Contact us to learn more


Equipment and Supplies

We offer aquaponic supplies, equipment and much more!

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