Time Flies When You are Having Fun

I can’t believe May is already here…the two months of training for our interns going to Haiti is wrapping up; we have a new participant in our Extended Stay Learning Program coming next week and our new Aquaponics 101 workshop is happening May 14.

In other news, there was an excellent article written about us, titled: Nelson and Pade, Inc. – Literally Synonomous with Aquaponics, written by Robert Puro for Seedstock, a blog for sustainable agriulture. Thanks Robert!

If you haven’t heard, the Aquaponics Q and A book by Dr. James Rakocy was released in April and the response has been fantastic! This is a great resourse for anyone interested in learning more about aquaponics.

Our greenhouse tours have become very popular.  Tours are offered every Saturday, or by appointment.

It truly is fun when so many great things are happening, but time marches so quickly.  Stay tuned to keep up!

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