Tech Support, Books and More
Nelson and Pade, Inc. offers Aquaponics Tech Support, Books on aquaponics, videos on aquaponics and Aquaponics School Curriculums.
Tech Support is available to anyone and can be purchased in blocks to be used anytime.
Books and videos on aquaponics are great for anyone interested in learning more about aquaponics. Available in English and Spanish.
T-shirts from Nelson and Pade, Inc. and famous artist, Ray Troll
Books available at the store include:
Aquaponic Food Production, by Rebecca L Nelson, the first and primary book on aquaponics is
Aquaponics Q and A by Dr. James Rakocy is available at the store.
The Aquaponics School Curriculum Package is available at the store or FREE for schools with the purchase of a Clear Flow Aquaponic System.