It is a privilege to work with you both and your whole staff.

sellersWe want to express our sincere gratitude in your research and development of a top notch aquaponics company, Nelson & Pade Aquaponics.  As you know, our son Levi has been following you both for approximately 8 years now and getting more and more intrigued with each stage.  You all have been part of our family talks for years.  We found it very interesting from the beginning but the more Levi explained and we researched we were “hooked”.  Finally, after many years it is happening and Levi’s dream is becoming reality.

After seeing the aquaponics system in person and taking the Masters Class and Extended Stay Learning Program it’s very apparent that you both have devoted many hours and years of research and development to get this industry where it is today, the “Most Trusted Name in Aquaponics”.  We have been involved in several start up businesses over the years and we just want to commend you and your whole staff for all your efficiency and careful attention to detail that has made this process a very easy to transition into.  Every stage of Nelson and Pade training has been very resourceful from designing and layout of the system, to the Masters Class and Extended Stay Learning Program.  Both the Master Class and the Extended Stay Learning Program are incredible learning tools and we would highly recommend both of these for anyone looking into or already committed to purchasing a system. We are so glad we were able to participate in both because it gave us so much valuable information and hands on experience that it took the project to a whole new level. These training tools that you have developed and hands on experience greatly increased our knowledge and confidence which in turn will reduce the potential for error and problems and pave the path for success and a business in the “GREEN”.  Your entire staff is very educated and friendly which was just the icing on the cake.  They put everything into perspective making us feel so much more confident in the success of our project.

It is a privilege to work with you both and your whole staff.  Everyone has gone above and beyond to help make this project become a reality.  We are looking forward to all the possibilities it can bring for all of us in the future.

Mark, Billie and Levi
South Mt MicroFarm


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