Aquabac XT – Controls Mosquito Larvae and Black Fly Larvae


AQUABAC is a liquid biological larvicide used to control mosquito larvae and black fly larve in aquatic habitats. AQUABAC liquid is based on the naturally occurring soil bacteria, Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti). This highly effective and economical microbial insecticide can be used in nearly all aquatic habitats, to effectively and efficiently control target species in the larval stage.

When/Where to Use:

This can be used in any habitat which supports mosquito or black fly larvae. Common appropriate mosquito habitats include, but are not limited to woodland pools, roadside ditches, tree holes, temporary pools, artificial containers, and floodplains. To target black flies, apply product to production areas of rivers and streams. AQUABAC must be applied when mosquito or black fly larvae are present and in a feeding life stage, the active ingredient must be ingested by the larvae, no contact effects.


  • Bti is a species specific microbial agent; it does not interrupt the normal functioning of other beneficial species and predator.
  • Bti can be applied to almost any aquatic habitat without environmental impact concerns.
  • Bti is highly effective and due to its mode of action there is little chance mosquitoes will build resistance

Active Ingredient:

Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis

2.5 gallon jug

Weight 25 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 16 in

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