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Visionary Aquaponics Podcast

Thank you Mirabou Latour, Creator and Host of Visionary Aquaponics Podcasts, for inviting us to participate in your Aquaponics Podcasts. The first two, with Rebecca Nelson, are below. More to come!

Part 1. Focusing on Science-Based Systems & Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) with Rebecca Nelson of Nelson and Pade, Inc.®

Part 2. More on Science-based Systems & Commercial Aquaponics with Rebecca Nelson of Nelson and Pade, Inc.®

Jungle Jam Podcast #6 With Rebecca Nelson, Co-founder of Nelson and Pade, Inc.®

Jan 6, 2017

Featuring founder of one of America’s founding aquaponics company. Rebecca Nelson of Nelson & Pade Aquaponics has been in the game so long they literally got the URL Aquaponics.com as soon as the internet was invented. In this podcast, Rebecca and I discuss what aquaponics is, how it works and how it’s taking off globally as a means of providing high quality protein and vegetables using this environmentally sustainable technology that JUST MAKES SO MUCH SENSE.

Rebecca Nelson on WI Public Radio – UWSP Aquaponics Innovation Center

University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point is partnering with a Montello company to build an Aquaponics Innovation Center that will train workers and develop new techniques for a growing food production industry. The center will be located inside a 13,500 square-foot greenhouse at Nelson and Pade, a Montello company that specializes in commercial aquaponics, which combines fish farming with hydroponic agriculture. Co-owner Rebecca Nelson said the center will benefit both the company and the university. Listen to the interview at WPR

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