Opportunities in Aquaponics

Have you ever wondered if there is a profitable business model
that is sustainable and provides fresh, healthy food to people?

There is!
And it is called aquaponics…
from Nelson and Pade, Inc.®

ACFAS04quaponics, when combined with a controlled environment, can be done anywhere. It allows you to profitably grow large volumes of fresh vegetables and fish nearly anywhere in the world. You don’t need much space (1/4 acre will get you started), there is a reasonable ROI and it is a business you will feel good about because you contribute to better health and well-being for others.

Why aquaponics?
Aquaponics is the combination of aquaculture (the fastest growing sector of agriculture) and hydroponics (soilless plant culture). Aquaponics can be done anywhere, meeting the growing demand for fresh, local vegetables and fish. Aquaponics is sustainable and profitable. Crops are grown with less water and less labor, no pesticides, no herbicides and no chemical fertilizers. Aquaponics is the farming of the future…NOW!

Why Nelson and Pade, Inc.®?
Nelson and Pade, Inc.®, the Most Trusted Name in Aquaponics®, has more experience and more aquaponics systems around the world than any other company. Plus, we offer a complete package to get you started and growing successfully: project planning, comprehensive training, proven system designs, engineered greenhouses and long-term grower support.

CFAS07Why Now?
With rising fuel prices, water shortages, food safety issues and an agriculture system gone astray, it is not just prudent, it is essential that new, sustainable methods of year ‘round food production are embraced and implemented. Imagine, growing fresh vegetables and fish all year long, delivering to local markets, schools and restaurants; providing products that people want and will pay a premium price for. It is an enjoyable and rewarding business and lifestyle.

What is involved?
Working in an aquaponics greenhouse is wonderful, with year ‘round comfortable temperatures, natural sunlight and an abundance of oxygen generated by green plants. Every day, you feed the fish, maintain the filter tanks and keep the facility clean. Plus, you seed, transplant and harvest the vegetables, monitor water quality and sell what you grow.

Who is doing it?
People from all walks of life are operating aquaponics businesses, growing and selling fresh food year ‘round.   Nelson and Pade, Inc.® has many customers who left the rat race and careers as professionals (architects, engineers, doctors, contractors, teachers, etc) to become aquaponic entrepreneurs.

Is experience required?
No. Nelson and Pade, Inc.® provides comprehensive training, detailed manuals, standard operating procedures and long-term grower support. If you don’t have experience in business or marketing, you’ll want to brush up on these areas.

Is it a franchise?
No, what Nelson and Pade, Inc.® offers is not a franchise. It is better! We offer the tools you need (planning, training, proven system designs and methods, long-term support) to get started and become successful in commercial aquaponics. But, we don’t charge a franchise fee!

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