New Aquaponic System Offerings SAVE You Money!

Nelson and Pade, Inc® is proud to announce new aquaponic system offerings that assist people in getting started in aquaponic farming with a significantly lower startup cost.

These new system offerings are a fraction of the cost of complete systems!  Essentially, the systems are now available as kits, modules or complete packages.  Buyers can take advantage of Nelson and Pade’s science-based designs, along with their own knowledge and skills, to save money and affordably build or expand their aquaponic farm and bottom line.

The KIT price of each system, which is significantly less than before, includes the essential and hard-to-find system components as well as detailed assembly and operation manuals.  For a savvy builder who can source common parts and take on some of the assembly, the base system is all that they need. 

Beyond the KIT system, there are a variety of additional items that the client can source and build locally or purchase from Nelson and Pade, Inc®. This flexibility creates a money-saving platform for each customer to excel and save where they want to, but rely on the proven, science-based Nelson and Pade, Inc® system designs and guidance throughout the process.

The complete system packages, as they’ve been offered for many years, are still available for the grower who wants to purchase everything needed from Nelson and Pade, Inc®. 

Nelson and Pade’s new system order forms allow you to select exactly what components you want to order and what you want to source and build locally.  When you check all of the options on the order form, you get the complete system.

Starting with the KIT system, you can pick and choose what you want from Nelson and Pade, Inc®, source what you want locally, buy additional components when you are ready, reduce your start up costs and spread those costs out over time. This strategy results in a much lower startup cost because you can do some of the work yourselves, source components locally and save on labor and freight.

If you are interested in getting started in aquaponic farming, but were hesitant because of the cost, this new approach might be just what you need to advance your project.

If you are an existing aquaponic farm and planning to expand to meet an increasing market demand, the new KIT pricing and modules from Nelson and Pade, Inc® can get you on your way to growing your farm in a less-costly manner. 

The components in the KIT system and options are, as always, high quality and safe for fish and food.  Training and grower support are available for all clients purchasing the KIT system and anything beyond.

Nelson and Pade’s proven Aquaponic Systems are used in over 35 countries and nearly every US state.  Now available as kits, modules or complete systems! 

Commercial Systems


Contact us today for system specification sheets and a new system order form! 


Call toll-free: 888-798-6378

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