Outdoor Wisconsin Features Nelson and Pade Aquaponics
Outdoor Wisconsin, a well-loved and award-winning television show, featured Nelson and Pade Aquaponics recently. Show host, Jeff Kelm, interviewed Rebecca Nelson, Co-founder and President of Nelson and Pade, Inc. in this thorough and fascinating segment.
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Devoted to the outdoor enthusiast, “Outdoor Wisconsin” is a half hour weekly magazine series that travels Wisconsin covering a variety of outdoor activities and related projects.
Rebecca comments, “Dan Small, Jeff Kelm and the Outdoor Wisconsin show are well known and well respected for their long-running efforts at showcasing Wisconsin, the outdoors and natural resources. We really appreciate their efforts and including us in their fantastic show!
Learn more about Nelson and Pade, Inc and aquaponics at www.aquaponics.com
takes viewers to all parts of the state in all four seasons in an effort to help them understand, respect, and appreciate our natural resources