Video Contest Winners Announced!

Video Contest Winners Announced!

The results are in and the winners are announced for Nelson and Pade, Inc’s 2019 “Show Us Your System” Video Contest.
This is an annual competition with prizes for the winners.  We are always impressed with the quality of the aquaponics projects and videos that are submitted for entry in the contest.

Congratulations to all of the individuals and schools for their excellent efforts!

Grand Prize Winner:

School: Edgerton High School, Edgerton, WI
Educator: Tony DeWar
System: Family Plus

Prize: $1000 Nelson and Pade Gift Certificate 

2nd Place:

School: Sidney Elementary School, Sidney, NY
Educator: Gina McManus
System: F5

Prize: $500 Nelson and Pade Gift Certificate 

3rd Place (a tie):

School: Coleman Elementary Aquaponics, Coleman, TX
Educator: Pam Cohea
System: F5


Westfield High School Aquaponics Class, Westfield, WI
Educator: Kayla Darr
System: F5

Prize: $250 Nelson and Pade Gift Certificate (each)

Nelson and Pade Inc. offers complete aquaponic systems, training, support and supplies to people around the world. Aquaponics is a sustainable method of food production that is used for education, commercial ventures, home food production and social and mission projects.

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