Lights, Camera, Action!

videoAlthough our company had one of the early websites on the Internet with video, it has been missing from our site for the past decade.  We’ve been so busy developing, building and shipping Clear Flow Aquaponic Systems®, creating comprehensive course content, teaching courses, speaking at conferences and writing books, manuals and curriculums, we really hadn’t slowed down to tell our story. Now we are changing that. We’ve hired videographer, Chad Adams, to launch a new era of aquaponics video on the web.

With all of the poorly shot, shaky, videos of backyard aquaponics on the web, you will see a completely different approach in our videos, which show our fully developed aquaponics systems and methods and an industry that is already developed.  We have a clear path to success for aquaponic growers, which includes offering training, science-based systems and tech support using our 20+ years in aquaponics and 30+ years’ experience in controlled environment agriculture.

I am very happy to announce the introduction of Nelson and Pade, Inc.’s videos to and YouTube. Our new YouTube channel is:

Over the next month, videos will be appearing throughout our website and on our You Tube channel.  Here is a sampling of a few:

Clear Flow Aquaponic Systems®

Nelson and Pade, Inc. Workshops 

History of Nelson and Pade, Inc.

In watching these videos, you’ll have an opportunity to get to know who Nelson and Pade, Inc. is, as a company, as a leader in the industry and as individuals who make up our highly skilled team.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more!

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