Sustainable Product of the Year Awarded to Nelson and Pade, Inc.

Montello, WI – The Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council recognized Nelson and Pade, Inc. with the “Sustainable Product of the Year Award” for small business. This prestigious honor was presented during the 2014 Earth Day Awards in Milwaukee, WI.

Nelson and Pade, Inc. has a 20+ year history in aquaponic food production, which is a form of agriculture that combines aquaculture (fish farming) and hydroponics (soilless plant culture). It utilizes natural microbial processes to convert the waste from fish farming into all natural fertilizer for plant culture.

See full press release

Nelson and Pade, Inc.’s Clear Flow Aquaponic Systems® with ZDEP™ are highly efficient and continually produce fresh fish and vegetables, 365 days/year. The US Patent and Trademark office granted the patent on Nelson and Pade, Inc.’s ZDEP® technology in Jan, 2014.

The ZDEP (near Zero Discharge / Extra Production) eliminates a waste-water stream from the system while increasing vegetable production.  The clean water leaving the ZDEP™ is used to refresh system water, reducing overall water usage while growing more plants in the system, and it generates an additional all-natural fertilizer stream that is used to grow a variety of plants in living filter beds.

Clear Flow Aquaponic Systems® with ZDEP™ are demonstrated in Nelson and Pade, Inc.’s 5,000 sq. ft. greenhouse in Montello, WI and are used throughout North America by growers who have embraced this technology to produce fresh fish and vegetables in commercial farming ventures, social and mission projects and to feed families and communities.

When comparing lettuce production using 1 acre of Clear Flow Aquaponic Systems® with ZDEP™ to 1 acre of lettuce farming in the Gila Valley, Arizona, Nelson and Pade, Inc.’s systems are able to grow 6 times more lettuce per acre using 1/6 of the water on an annual basis. Additionally, the same system also produces 40,000 lbs. of fish, all done without the pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers. To top it all off, these systems are energy efficient as well, with a majority of the water flow achieved through gravity.

Nelson and Pade, Inc. is the global leader in the aquaponics industry, offering complete Clear Flow Aquaponic Systems® with ZDEP™, the Aquaponics Master Class and the Nelson and Pade Grower Support Program.

For more information, visit or contact Nelson and Pade, Inc., PO Box 761, Montello, WI  53949, USA, 608-297-8708,

See the announcement on the Wisconsin Sustainability council website.

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