New Aquaponics Certification Program

BROOKLYN, N.Y. — Certified Naturally Grown (CNG), a non-profit organization offering peer-review certification to farmers and beekeepers throughout the United States, has announced that they have completed development of a new certification program for aquaponic producers and are now accepting applications. Since June of 2014, CNG has been working in consultation with a group of experts serving on their Aquaponics Advisory Council to develop this new program, which will complement the certification programs CNG currently offers for soil-based produce and livestock farmers, and to beekeepers using natural methods. The aquaponic program’s certification standards and other details are posted at

“The development of this new certification program is a great opportunity for aquaponic farmers to get recognition for their efforts in raising vegetables naturally. CNG is an excellent organization with a long history offering certifications for farmers that grow food using ecological methods.” said Rebecca Nelson, co-founder and co-owner of Nelson and Pade, author of Aquaponic Food Production, and Adjunct Instructor at University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point.”

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