- Countries Celebration
- A Day in the Life at Nelson and Pade
- Aquaponic MicroFarm
- Aquaponics Master Class
- AquaSprouts Garden
- Commercial Systems
- Cornucopia of aquaponic vegetables
- Extended Stay Learning Program
- Grand Opening of new greenhouse
- Home and School Systems
- Living Food Bank at NW Haiti Christian Mission
- Malawi Africa
- May, 2016 Nelson and Pade Grower Tour
- Mississauga Food Bank
- Nelson and Pade Grower Program
- Nelson and Pade, Inc. Demonstration Greenhouse
- Planning for Aquaponics in the Survival condo
- Underground Aquaponics at the Survival Condo
- UWSP Aquaponics Course
- West Kentucky
- What is Growing at Nelson and Pade
- WI Senator Works a Day at Nelson and Pade, Inc.