Webster school aquaponicsWebster school aquaponicsWebster school greenhouseWebster school lettuce

Webster School Installs Commercial Aquaponic System for Food and Education

Project Type: From Seed to Cafeteria - Aquaponics Greenhouse at Webster School
Location: Webster, NY
Area: 6,000 sq. ft. Growing Area
Nelson and Pade, Inc. Systems: Small Commercial Module
Project Mission and goals: Webster Schools installed a Commercial Aquaponic System from Nelson and Pade, Inc.® to provide fresh food for students and faculty, while integrating hands-on learning for students
Crops Produced: tilapia, lettuce and misc vegetables
Customer Base: Students and Faculty in the Webster School District

Project Timeline:

  • 2015 – Food service manager from Webster Schools attended a Nelson and Pade, Inc.® Aquaponics Master Class®
  • 2016 – Webster Schools ordered a Commercial aquaponic system from Nelson and Pade, Inc.®
  • 2016 – The system was assembled in a greenhouse and operation was initiated.
  • Students operate the systems with faculty guidance, creating an integrated, hands-on learning environment that provides fresh food to the school.
  • 2022 – The system continues to provide fresh food, from seed to cafeteria, at Webster Schools

what our client says

The school district, the community, students, and my staff love it. I have even spoken at conferences. Averaging about 100 tours per year. -Mark Balfour, Webster Schools Food Service Director

Project Status:

The system continues to provide fresh food and education to Webster School District!

Schools that are concerned with the quality and lack of fresh food for their school district can consider this fantastic model that provides fresh food daily to the cafeteria while offering an innovative learning environment for students.

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