347371082_629261518756888_5244386200271146682_n347371082_629261518756888_5244386200271146682_n351226524_214474208071112_7267908308794768347_n352364956_1391910785064474_6241219451167799261_nDave DuncanJD Family FamrsJD Farms greenhouse

JD Family Farm Embraces Aquaponics

Project Type: Dave and his daughter Katie built and operate an Aquaponic Farm!
Location: Northern Georgia
Area: 3,300 sq. ft
Nelson and Pade, Inc. Systems: Small Commercial Aquaponic System
Project Mission and goals: To profitably grow and sell fresh fish and vegetables, year-round to clients in the region.
Crops Produced: Tilapia, lettuce, greens, lettuce, arugula, basil
Customer Base: Farm Stores, Agritourism attractions, restaraunts, farmer's markets

Project Timeline:

  • Late 2019 – Purchased Small Commercial Aquaponic System from Nelson and Pade, Inc.®
  • 2020 –  Built Greenhouse
  • 2021 – Assembled and set up aquaponic system; Established customers and distribution channels

Project Status:

Dave and his daughter Katie built and operate an Aquaponic Farm!  It is truly a family run operations, with Katie’s kids frequently spending time in the greenhouse, helping with tasks and even attending farmer’s market’s with Katie. 

Interested In Learning More About an Aquaponics Business?
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